A beautifuly tetradrachm from Selinos from the S. Pennisi Collection, Hess-Leu 24, 16 April 1964, 64
Los 35
SICILY. Selinos. Circa 455-409 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27.5 mm, 17.40 g, 2 h). ΣΕΛΙΝΟ-ΝΤΙ-ΟΣ Apollo and Artemis standing left in a quadriga moving slowly to left; Artemis holding the reins and Apollo drawing his bow. Rev. Σ-ΕΛ-Ι-И-Ο-Σ The river-god Selinos, horned and nude, standing left, holding laurel branch in his left hand and phiale in his right; to left, garlanded altar; before altar, rooster standing left; to right, selinon leaf over a bull standing left on base. HGC 2, 1220. Rizzo pl. XXXI, 7 (same dies). Schwabacher 1i (this coin, Q1/S1). SNG ANS 688. SNG Copenhagen 597 (same dies). SNG Fitzwilliam 1159 (same dies). A lovely example, beautifully toned and with a fine pedigree. Very light doubling and with minor traces of overstriking, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Prof. Dr. D. Mannsperger and that of R. Maly, LHS 100, 23 April 2007, 172, and from the S. Pennisi Collection, Hess-Leu 24, 16 April 1964, 64.
7500 CHF
6000 CHF
9500 CHF
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